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Illinois to receive $430 million to reduce climate pollution

The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) announced that Illinois will receive more than $430 million in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, to tackle climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice across the state. Grant funds will support building and industry decarbonization, freight electrification, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy.
Report recommends strategy for managed gas transition in Illinois
FeaturedPress Release

Report: managed gas transition strategies for Illinois

A new report finds that Illinois’ largest gas utilities’ current capital spending on gas systems will raise customers' rates sharply and could lead to stranded assets of $80 billion by 2050. To avoid this costly path, the report recommends a strategically managed gas transition to clean, renewable energy sources, which will also reduce the climate and air pollution Illinois currently experiences, particularly in environmental justice and low-income communities.

National Training Welcomes Participants from Coast to Coast

Community Voices in Energy launched our new national training cohort on March 12. The training is designed to prepare participants to address energy justice issues and make change through energy regulatory cases that affect their communities. Over the course of about eight bi-weekly virtual trainings, we will address and demystify traditional legal intervention in public utility commission proceedings. The program will also broadly present how individuals can bring about a more just and affordable energy system through policy advocacy, organizing, and education. Participants will also gain insights from last year’s amazing successes in Illinois. At the end of the program the participants will complete projects, many of which involve energy justice workshops and training that will scale the impact of the work. Participants will receive Energy Justice Intervenor certification showing that thet have learned about navigating and influencing the energy regulatory system.