FeaturedPress Release
Report: managed gas transition strategies for Illinois
A new report finds that Illinois’ largest gas utilities’ current capital spending on gas systems will raise customers' rates sharply and could lead to stranded assets of $80 billion by 2050. To avoid this costly path, the report recommends a strategically managed gas transition to clean, renewable energy sources, which will also reduce the climate and air pollution Illinois currently experiences, particularly in environmental justice and low-income communities.
EDF’s new equity map shows state efforts to make the energy transition fairer for all
Across the U.S. states are passing laws that will ensure greater equity as we transition to a clean energy system. EDF has developed an interactive map – based on our new report, the State Climate Equity Survey – that documents states’ efforts to make their energy transition more equitable and healthier. Our new map identifies which states require, allow, or promote consideration of equity and environmental justice in agency decision-making and budget-setting.